Completed projects

  • Алабяно-балтийский тоннель
    Alabyano-Baltiysky Tunnel
    Alabyano-Baltiysky Tunnel is a road tunnel in Moscow near Sokol Metro station, connecting the territory of Sokol, Aeroport and Koptevo districts.
  • Угольный терминал Сахатранс в Ванино (бухта Мучке)
    The Coal Terminal of Sakhatrans in Vanino (Muchke Bay)
    The coal terminal of Sakhatrans is one of the largest deep sea terminals near the Cape Burny in the port of Vanino, which is a coal port complex with a volume of transhipment of up to 15 million tons of coal per year.
  •  Рудник "Павлик"
    Pavlik Deposit

    The Pavlik deposit, opened in 1941, is located in the Tenkinsky district of the Magadan region and is the part of the Omchak ore-placer cluster.

  • Расширение Пунгинского ПХГ
    Expansion of the Punginskoe UGS
    Punginskoe underground gas storage facility, based on the exhausted Punginskoe gas condensate field, is located on the territory of the Berezovsky district of the Tyumen region.
  • Омский нефтеперерабатывающий завод
    Omsk Oil Refinery

    Omsk oil refinery is the largest oil refinery in Russia.